Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
Dear reader,
I went into this story with little to no recollection of the previous films except for one fact.
Humans were horrible, they created a virus that wiped out humanity, and apes somehow grew in intelligence because of it.
It’s easy to get lost down the rabbit hole of focusing on evolution, and a bunch of minor issues that the story probably would like us to fixate on.
But I want to draw out one fantastic aspect I believe the story nails on the head.
(Spoiler Warning)
The beginning of the movie starts with the funeral of Caesar. The protagonist from all the other ‘‘Planet of the Apes’ movies.
It caught me off guard when this film started with this character’s death, (I should have rewatched the other films,)
But after searching into the flowing narrative of all 4 films up until this point It’s clear that it follows a similar story to Moses and the Promise Land.
Caesar wants to release his kind from slavery, he does murdering someone out of anger/defense of another, and there are countless more callbacks in the narrative.
But what this most recent story does is almost more powerful. They treat Caesar with a messiah complex, some follow his morals very closely, to the point where they would be considered prophets.
The way that people speak about Caesar is in such high regard, they consider him to be their savior and an example of how they were to live their lives and treat others.
The villain in the narrative even takes on the title of ‘Caesar’ to use and abuse the name in order to demand respect. As if someone could replace their messiah.
Obviously Caesar was not perfect. So the analogy is broken, for sure, but even Caesar’s death was due to the mercy he showed a soldier during a battle.
The story itself of the Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes was not amazing, it showed human’s drive to survive no matter the cost, which showcases the fall of man and how sinful we truly are.
Yet the undertone of the character of Caesar was so intriguing, and how his name still lived on for hundreds of years after his death, sounds like the effect Jesus had years after his death and resurrection.
I loved this focus in the story, because of the ending I believe one of the characters even said “We ought to do as Caesar did.” They viewed this finite character so highly, and yet he was fleshly and fell short just as you or I do.
Yet our ‘Caesar’, Jesus Christ the Son of God never fell short. He was perfect in every way, he never failed in thought or deed.
Our example was perfect, and not that we are to strive for perfection, but because of His death on that horrible cross we have been covered head to toe in His blood.
We are washed clean of all imperfection in His sight.
Caesar died and others viewed his imperfect life as a good example, so truly he should be viewed more like Paul.
“Imitate me as I imitate Christ.”
As you go forth in this life don’t hold too closely to the preachers and teachers. They are finite, they are fallible.
Look to Jesus, and emulate Him. Hold him in the highest esteem possible. For he is worthy to be worshiped and imitated.
No one else in this life is worthy of our adoration and imitation.
Your Fellow Imitator of Christ