Dear SFC
Dear Reader,
I had the immense blessing to drive out to Fraser Colorado back in February and capture something special.
SFC stands for Snowboarders and Skiers For Christ.
And when I say that was one of the best experiences of my life, that’s an understatement.
I got connected with some of the leadership about a month back, and I offered my services for Videography. We exchanged things back and forth and agreed that if God wanted me to come out there He would prepare a way.
Back to back, God provided gas money, registration fees, and housing.
I took that and ran with it. I arrived in an atmosphere I wasn’t familiar with. A community that genuinely loved one another and wanted to serve others in the areas that they were planted in.
It was a missional community, something I have longed to be a part of for the longest time. These people were doing it, and I was invited to witness and capture it.
I felt like I didn’t belong from the get-go, I didn’t understand all the lingo and shared terminology that was used to describe what was happening on the mountains. But I knew that we shared the same spirit and that alone brought me to a place where I could connect with as many as possible.
By the end of the weekend, I was severely bummed. I didn’t want to leave the gorgeous landscape and the community that I got a taste of.
Yet I knew God wanted me to taste and see His goodness. He created that community, and He wanted me to taste it so I didn’t forget what I’ve been striving for relationally for years.
I want to thank SFC for all they do. For their obedience to the Lord of The Mountains, and to bless them in the years ahead of them.
I experienced God on those mountains, I felt His presence and His kingdom in action.
That is something I hope I never forget.
Your Fellow Snowboarder In Christ